Firefighters in Portimão are recruiting volunteers

The Fire Department of Portimão is looking for volunteers, with the recruitment period running until 31 […]

The Fire Department of Portimão is looking for volunteers, with the recruitment period running until 31 December. 

The requirements are to be between 17 and 45 years old, have a minimum compulsory education and be physically and mentally sound. Starting in January of the next year, a one-year pedagogical journey begins.

This includes the Firefighter's Initial Instruction course, which in its modular structure addresses topics such as introduction to the Fire Brigade service, equipment, maneuvers and vehicles, first aid and rescue and extrication techniques.

Added to this is, of course, firefighting in the various aspects of operational intervention.

Registration to become a Volunteer Firefighter can be made during office hours at the Command secretariat (9:00 am to 17:30 pm) of the Fire Department of Portimão, or online here 

Any clarification may be requested via email ([email protected]).

