World experts come to Vila do Bispo to discover archaeological remains of the 1755 tsunami

Tsunami specialists who will participate in an international scientific meeting that will take place in Lisbon between the 3rd and the 7th of […]

Tsunami specialists who will participate in an international scientific meeting to be held in Lisbon between 3 and 7 September will take a "jump" to the municipality of Vila do Bispo on 6 September, to get to know up close archaeological remains in Boca do Rio and at Martinhal.

These field visits will be promoted within the scope of the International Tsunami Field Symposium and aim to make known two places that preserve "exemplary records of the tsunami generated by the great earthquake of 1755", according to the Vila do Bispo Council, which supports the initiative.

The paul da Boca do Rio, in Budens, is «a case study of reference at a global level, known and studied for decades, in particular by researchers associated with the Faculty of Sciences of the University of Lisbon». The paul do Martinhal, in Sagres, also preserves traces of this historic event.

«On that day trenches will be opened to visualize the levels of sedimentary deposits generated by the tsunami of 1755, taking advantage of the opportunity to collect stratigraphic samples for future museological integration», more precisely in the museological space that the municipality intends to create in the former EPAC granaries building.

«In addition to its scientific reach, this initiative will have a fair social return from a perspective of education/awareness for the theme of earthquakes and tsunamis. As is well known, the territory of Vila do Bispo is part of an area of ​​high seismic sensitivity. The scientific posters produced for the Symposium will be shared with the Municipality for future use in actions aimed at the loco-regional community, particularly schools, with a view to transmitting content related to the themes investigated and with correct Civil Protection conduct", considered the autarchy.

The Vila do Bispo Council was also invited to go to Lisbon to present a paper at this scientific meeting, which will bring together 80 researchers and academics from the areas of seismology, seismography, geology, and geo-archaeology, among others.

«The communication will take the form of a Scientific Poster entitled “The Human occupation at paleo-estuary of the Boca do Rio (Vila do Bispo, Algarve, Portugal)” (Human occupation in the paleoestuary of Boca do Rio), authored by the researchers João Pedro Bernardes (Professor at the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, University of Algarve), Felix Teichner (Professor at Philipps-Universität Marburg) and Ricardo Soares (Archaeologist at Vila do Bispo Municipality). The poster will be presented in Lisbon and in Boca do Rio, in an interpretive visit to the archaeological site guided by the aforementioned authors», concluded the Vila-Bispense Chamber.

