Vale de Boi archaeological site shows its treasures in a new Open Day

The Vale Boi Paleolithic Archaeological Site, in Vila do Bispo, reopens its doors to the entire population in […]

The Vale Boi Paleolithic Archaeological Site, in Vila do Bispo, reopens its doors to the entire population on Saturday, July 15, between 10:00 am and 16:00 pm.

On this day, anyone can go to this archaeological site and «see in detail the archaeological excavation work, observe and handle the exhumed artefacts that are more than 30 years old, and ask, in the first person, all the questions to the archaeologists and students who are working in Vale Boi», according to the University of Algarve, whose Interdisciplinary Center for Archeology and Evolution of Human Behavior (ICArEHB) is promoting this Open Day, in collaboration with Vila do Bispo Council.

This deposit was discovered in 1998 as a result of prospecting work in the river valleys of the Costa Vicentina. Located to the east of the Ribeira de Vale Boi (Vila do Bispo municipality), in front of the small town with the same name, the Paleolithic deposit is located about 2 kilometers from the current coastline.

Since the beginning of the archaeological excavations, in 2000, “numerous hunting artefacts and daily activities” have been exhumed, as well as “thousands of bones of hunted animals, including deer, aurochs, horses, wild boars and rabbits that are believed to have served as food. of these hunter-gatherers, as well as lion, wolf, fox and lynx, probably hunted for their skins'.

In the archaeological site of Vale Boi it is also possible to observe «elements of mobile art, characteristic of the Paleolithic period in the Iberian Peninsula».

«The archaeological remains present a dispersion of more than 10 thousand square meters, occupying the entire slope, which is limited to the east by a limestone outcrop 10 meters high and to the west by the Ribeira alluvium», concluded UAlg.

