Lighting at the Moncarapacho Health Center has been repaired

The Union of Parishes of Moncarapacho and Fuzeta repaired the lighting at the Moncarapacho Health Center, which had a […]

The Union of Parishes of Moncarapacho and Fuzeta repaired the lighting at the Moncarapacho Health Center, which was in an «advanced state of degradation». 

According to that União das Freguesias, «despite not being within its competence», the works were carried out, replacing «brackets, starters and lamps in several rooms of the building».

«We also placed a new TV signal reception antenna, as well as a new television in the waiting room, because the previous one had been taken two years ago by the Algarve Regional Health Administration (ARS) for repair… and never returned !», concludes the Union of Parishes of Moncarapacho and Fuzeta.

