FACECO hosts the “Espírito Empreendedor” awards

The “Espirito Empreendedor 2017” awards, included in the “Odemira Empreende” program, are delivered on Sunday, July 23, at 15 pm, at […]

The “Espírito Empreendedor 2017” awards, included in the “Odemira Empreende” program, are handed out on Sunday, July 23, at 15 pm, at the institutional pavilion of FACECO – Cultural and Economic Activities Fair in the municipality of Odemira.

This program "Odemira Empreende" has as its main objective the promotion of economic development and territorial cohesion, through various measures and actions to dynamize and boost the business fabric, with a view to attracting new investments, job creation and qualification of the business fabric .

In addition to financial support, this program includes the Entrepreneur's Workshop, which opened its doors in December 2015, and includes the Entrepreneur Support Office, Business Nest and Thematic Service, the reduction of municipal fees, support for establishing companies , tax incentives and the implementation of the Espírito Empreendedor award.

The names to be announced will be the winners of the prize for the best "Proposal for Entrepreneurial and Creative Initiatives", in the amount of 2 thousand euros, and the prizes for the "New Business Initiatives" (1st place - 1500 euros, 2nd place - 1000 thousand euros and 3rd place – 500 euros).

In this edition there will also be the “Innovation Award”.

