Loulé Chamber cedes facilities for the GNR territorial post in Salir

The Chamber of Loulé and the Guarda Nacional Republicana will celebrate, next Monday, June 5th, at 12:30 pm, the contract […]

The Câmara de Loulé and the Guarda Nacional Republicana will celebrate, next Monday, June 5th, at 12:30 pm, the lending contract for the lease of the premises to the GNR territorial post, in Salir, in a ceremony taking place at the Salão Nobre dos Paços of the Council.

This post "constitutes one of the investments made under the cooperation between the two entities, with the aim of improving the working conditions of the military and serving citizens, as well as strengthening security issues throughout the county", says the Chamber of Loule.

In this case, the GNR will be installed in the former Fire Department building, which has since been reconverted. The cost of this project was around 150 thousand euros.

