Infralobo offers its employees a personalized bottle of tap water

A bottle of tap water, personalized, offered to employees and partners of Infralobo, as a way to alert to the […]

A personalized bottle of tap water, offered to Infralobo's employees and partners, as a way of warning about the rational use and consumption of tap water, is how this municipal company celebrates today, March 22, the Day World Water.

“Water supply represents a significant part of Infralobo's activity and to effectively manage this scarce resource is one of its most prominent objectives”, stresses the municipal company.

«As an essential good for life and an increasingly scarce resource, water must be managed rationally, in order to approach zero waste. This is the role of the managing entities and Infralobo is no exception: the implementation of an efficient/effective management system for the sector was achieved», says José Miguel, chairman of the Board of Directors of this company.

«We are today at the forefront of management in the sector. In addition to the guarantee of the quality of the water provided to us by Águas do Algarve and the mandatory control that the Regulatory Authority for Water and Waste Services (ERSAR) requires, we assiduously promote parallel controls, in order to guarantee excellent quality water», he adds.

Infralobo had also already marked the National Water Day, on the 1st of October. This time, the company went "beyond", showing that "change starts with those who promote it" and offering all company employees and partners with a personalized Infralobo water bottle, with the "motivation to expand this practice in the future ».

This new initiative is, therefore, «a continuous action that serves as an incentive to change habits and use this natural asset essential to life, with the motivation to expand this practice in the future», concludes the municipal company.


