Film “Metropolis” will be accompanied on the piano at “Música nas Igrejas” in Tavira

The “Metropolis” project will screen the film with the same name, while Luís Conceição will accompany the exhibition on the piano, this […]

The “Metrópolis” project will screen the film with the same name, while Luís Conceição will accompany the exhibition on the piano, this Saturday, March 25, at 18:00, at the Ermida de São Sebastião, in Tavira, as part of “Música nas Igrejas” ”.

The film “Metropolis” is a silent film classic made in 1927 by Fritz Lang.

«Current due to the transversal message of the class struggle in contemporary societies, this work is a cinematographic landmark due to its innovative special effects and the excellence of the cast», says Câmara de Tavira.

Luís Conceição composed the music that will accompany the screening of the film. Born in 1974, this artist began his musical studies at the age of 5 at the Conservatório Regional do Algarve, having completed the General Piano Course. He graduated in Musical Sciences, at Universidade Nova de Lisboa, and, in Piano, at Universidade de Évora.

He worked as an accompanist pianist, teacher of piano and music history in several national conservatories.

As a pianist and composer, he has performed in national and international rooms, solo and in chamber and orchestra formations.

As a composer, he has had more than 250 works since 1993, part of them recorded in five CD of author editing. Its language is «of fusion, showing affinities with ethnic, classical and jazz music», says Câmara de Tavira.

Luís Conceição teaches at the Academy of Music in Tavira and leads several musical projects, such as “Trio Osmose” and “Between us and words”, where he emphasizes the interdisciplinary nature of the arts, with a relationship between music, poetry and cinema. The artist is also the author of pedagogical works for children in the field of piano.

“Música nas Igrejas” aims to boost the built heritage, as well as promote a taste for music. For more information click here

