German archaeologists and geologists investigate Boca do Rio in Vila do Bispo

A team of archaeologists and geologists from three German universities is investigating the Roman archesite of Boca do […]

A team of archaeologists and geologists, from three German universities, is investigating the Roman archaeosite of Boca do Rio, in the municipality of Vila do Bispo. The works, which run until the 31st of March, are part of a project coordinated by João Pedro Bernardes, from the Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, University of Algarve, with the support of the Vila do Bispo Council.

The municipality explains that the results of these works will be added to others obtained in campaigns of evacuation already carried out by the researcher from UAlg and “will serve as the basis for a research and development project for this archaeological site, which has been revealing a continuous Roman presence. between the middle of the first century and the fifth century».

The research that is now underway consists of carrying out «non-invasive soundings, using a crossover of different geophysical prospecting methods, which make it possible to uncover evidence of structures and other “anomalies” of human origin hidden in the area's subsoil» .

The works are directed by Felix Teichner, from the University of Marburg (Germany) and have the contribution of researchers based at the German universities of Cologne and Aix-la-Chapelle.

The Vila do Bispo Council says that “in time, the development of this(these) project(s) will be shared with the community” in public and social archeology actions.

