Silves: Inclusive piece «Signos de Fora» demystifies mental health problems

The Inclusive Theater play «Signos de Fora», by Teatro de Sótão, an inclusive theater group from ASMAL – Associação […]

The Inclusive Theater play «Signos de Fora», by Teatro de Sótão, an inclusive theater group from ASMAL – Associação de Saúde Mental do Algarve, will be at Teatro Mascarenhas Gregório, in Silves, on 10 February, at 21 pm. Admission is free.

The show includes the screening of a documentary short film, directed by Reem Al Mohtar, and a theatrical performance, which will be artistically coordinated by Nídia Marta Gonçalves. The interpreters are Beatriz Félix, Gilberto Palhares, José António Almeida, José Luís Rufino, Helena Zwennis, Lucília Gonçalves, Nídia Marta Gonçalves, Nuno Lourenço, Nuno Santos, Sandra de Jesus, Sandrina Pereira, Susana Dias, Simão Pedro Freitas and Telmo Viegas.

“These are two artistic languages, which share the same goals – to question the concept of normality and demystify the stigma that is associated with people with mental health problems,” according to ASMAL. The text, a collective creation based on a poem by António Cândido Franco, is also part of this philosophy.

This initiative is part of a vast psychosocial rehabilitation program of the institution and aims, «above all, to promote the dignity, appreciation and recognition of people with mental health problems in the community».

