Former second-hand bookshop Simões offers books next Saturday

The former Simões Bookstore, in Faro, which in 2015 went bankrupt and closed, will open its doors again for a few hours […]

The former Simões Bookstore, in Faro, which went bankrupt and closed in 2015, will open its doors again for a few hours next Saturday morning, February 4th, to offer its books.

The old bookshop, which was headquartered at Rua do Alportel, 86, in Faro, "until recently, it was an emblematic space for all book lovers, but unfortunately it went bankrupt in 2015. A notable collection was thus abandoned", recalls the APOS -Association for the Valorization of Cultural and Environmental Heritage of Olhão, which organizes the event.

Before the store closed, bookstore Carlos Simões had moved to a warehouse on the outskirts of Faro. But hundreds of thousands of books were left in the store (perhaps around 600), which the current owner of the space "has shown every interest in offering", adds APOS.

Therefore, the store in Rua do Alportel will open on Saturday, February 4, between 10:00 and 12:30, «for anyone who wants to choose and take whatever books they want there, free of charge».

APOS recommends that interested parties «bring a flashlight, because this space does not currently have electricity and there are places with books, but without light…»

