Aljezur: Aromas, Marés and Montes trails requalified in the parish of Bordeira

Three old small routes in the parish of Bordeira – Trilho dos Aromas, Trilhos das Marés and Trilho dos Montes – […]

Three old small routes in the parish of Bordeira – Trilho dos Aromas, Trilhos das Marés and Trilho dos Montes – have just been reclassified, in a work developed by the Parish Council of Bordeir (Aljezur) and by Rota Vicentina.

The layout of the three routes, covering a total of 42,5 kilometers, was the subject of detailed study, with several improvements having been introduced, in order to fill in deficit aspects and to benefit the experience of walkers and visitors to this parish who visit them.

The project was subject to public presentation and discussion and has the financial support of the Municipality of Aljezur, in the amount of 30 thousand euros, within the scope of contractual financial support.

Aljezur City Council emphasizes that its municipality and «in particular the parish of Bordeira, is increasingly sought after by walkers from all over the world».

"This is therefore a very important project, from the point of view of this segment of tourism, which increasingly distinguishes us, positively differentiates us and makes the municipality an essential and unavoidable choice for this experience, enhancing all economic activity", adds the County.

