University of Algarve debates “Journalism and Communication in the Iberian Context”

The IV Communication Conference, under the theme “Journalism and Communication in the Iberian Context”, takes place tomorrow, November 9, Inserted […]

IV_journeys_CC_2.pubThe IV Communication Journeys, under the theme “Journalism and Communication in the Iberian Context”, take place tomorrow, November 9th, as part of the commemoration of the 20th anniversary of the degree in Communication Sciences at the University of Algarve. The initiative takes place in Amphitheater 1.3 of the Pedagogical Complex, on the Penha Campus, in Faro.

These days, organized by the Superior School of Education and Communication, intend to analyze the current reality of journalism and the media in Spain and Portugal and discuss the challenges and professional opportunities in the Iberian and Ibero-American spaces.

Miguel Angel Ortiz Sobrino, María de las Mercedes Zamarra López, Carmen Salgado Santamaría, María Julia González Conde and María Jose Cavadas Gormaz, professors at the Faculty of Information Science at the Complutense University of Madrid, are some of the guest speakers.

The presence of Rosa Veloso, journalist from RTP, currently coordinating the Delegation of Faro, by Cristina Martín Jiménez, investigative journalist at Telecinco, GQ, Cuatro Televisión, Canal Sur TV, the researcher Francisca María Rodríguez, and the press officers of the Centro Hospitalar do Algarve, Daniela M. Nogueira and Márcio Fernandes.

Click here to learn about the program

