National Archeology Museum promotes exhibition “Loulé – Territories, Memories and Identities”

The Municipal Museums of Loulé and the National Museum of Archeology are organizing a large joint exhibition entitled “Loulé – Territories, […]

loulé museum (2)The Municipal Museums of Loulé and the National Archeology Museum are organizing a large joint exhibition entitled “Loulé – Territories, Memories and Identities”, which deals with the human occupation of the territory from Prehistory to the Middle Ages, and which will take place in the first semester 2017, at that national museum in Lisbon.

The exhibition is curated by Victor Gonçalves, Catarina Viegas and Amílcar Guerra, from the University of Lisbon, Helena Catarino, from the University of Coimbra, and Luís Filipe Oliveira, from the University of Algarve.

The exhibition will bring together a collection of hundreds of pieces and will feature the participation of several institutions that lend pieces on loan.

“The work of preparing an exhibition is (almost) always invisible. In this process, the construction of knowledge, the compilation of data and the construction of new narratives about the territory are some benefits», explains the Câmara de Loulé.

Another benefit will be the definitive incorporation in the Municipal Museum of Loulé «of archaeological assets from excavations» carried out in the interior of the municipality of Loulé, at the Corte João Marques site, in 1978, under the scientific guidance of Professor Victor Gonçalves.

This closes “a cycle of study” and opens “a new cycle of safeguarding, whose mission is to ensure its dissemination and “return” to the community”.

The archaeological remains of Corte João Marques thus return to Loulé after 30 years, integrating the collection of the Municipal Museum. The autarchy leaves “a special thanks to Victor Gonçalves and to UNIARQ – Center for Archeology of the University of Lisbon for having made this initiative possible”.

The Municipality of Loulé considers the partnership between its Municipal Museum and the National Archeology Museum as «a precious investment at two levels: that of knowledge, through the production of an exhibition catalog that brings together several specialists, and that of valuing the identity of the city. county and the self-esteem of its populations, having the possibility of (re)seeing its Heritage in the country's capital, in an emblematic monument – ​​the Mosteiro dos Jerónimos – and in an institution whose director was a Loulé native – Manuel Viegas Guerreiro».

“Loulé – Territories, Memories and Identities” is presented by the municipality as “an investment in the county's Cultural Heritage, giving it an increased social function and, on the other hand, it is a defining moment in the history of the institution Museum and its team , as it allows deepening knowledge of the collections, allows new perspectives, new questions and new relationships between the entities that share Loulé's heritage».

