Câmara de Loulé offers manuals and worksheets to all 1st cycle students

The Loulé Council will offer school books and worksheets (activity notebooks) to all […]

School Manuals - CM Loulé - Mira (2)Loulé Council will offer school books and worksheets (activities notebooks) to all students in the 1st cycle of public elementary schools in the municipality. For this, the municipality of Loulé will invest an amount of around 180 euros, benefiting with this more than 3 children and their families.

This is the second consecutive school year that the Loulé Council has taken this step. In 2016, the only difference in relation to the transaction is that 1st year students will have free textbooks, guaranteed by the Ministry of Education. Even so, they will not fail to receive the support of the municipality, which will offer them "the respective worksheets".

"In addition, students in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th years will receive, from the Municipality, both the manuals and the worksheets of the subjects that are part of the curriculum – Portuguese, Mathematics and Environmental Studies", announced the Chamber de Loulé, which will also give the English manuals for the 3rd and 4th years of schooling.

This is a measure "integrated in the executive's policy for the defense of public education and the quality of life of citizens", which covers all students in the 1st cycle of public education in Loulé. In other words, students with special educational needs will also receive the books they need free of charge.

«At the beginning of the 2016/2017 school year, the Municipality of Loulé, in partnership with the Association for Research and Study of Orality, also offers to all public pre-school students a book specially designed for this age group, with texts of the Algarve oral tradition, which intends to be an instrument that parents and educators can use to, in a playful way, early promote the taste for reading», added the Loulé local authority.

