Photogallery: Manga and Comic Event brought heroes and villains to Faro

Heroes and villains, characters from fiction series, movies and computer games, hardened Spartan soldiers and fans of […]

Manga and Comic Event Faro 2016_20Heroes and villains, characters from fiction series, movies and computer games, hardened Spartan soldiers and fans of the most varied types of games were among the many people who made a point of attending the Algarve Hotel and Tourism School during the end weekend, to participate in the Manga & Comic Event (MCE).

The Algarve Geeks Center set up a two-day program to celebrate pop culture, which included not only Manga, Anime and Comic, but also computer, board and street games, which mobilized hundreds of people.

Anyone who would have thought that the passion for animated series or comic books is only for the youngest and little else, quickly realizes, when visiting the MCE, that there are "geeks" of all ages and in great numbers.

At the weekend event, many took the opportunity to proudly show their passion. Some dressed up, others more timidly, with only one or two props, there were dozens of visitors who paid tribute to their favorite characters, which meant that, at every corner, a hero or a villain of this or that could be found. series or a cult movie.

One of the highlights of the event was the Cosplay contest, which challenges participants to embody their favorite characters, with costumes they created. In this case, more than the personification of a fictional hero or villain, competitors were asked to make a small representation.

During the presentations, the auditorium of the School of Hotel and Tourism was filled with people, so that many had to sit on the floor or watch the competition standing up. Something that did not dampen the enthusiasm of the public, who never tired of encouraging the different competitors.

Over the two days, there were many other activities, including a street game in which participants were challenged to wear the skin (in this case the cardboard armor) of a soldier from Sparta and fight each other, trying destroy the equipment of the opposing team.

The Karaoke session also attracted a lot of people and the rooms with video and board games were always lively.


View photos of the event:

Photos: Hugo Rodrigues|Sul Informação

