Chapel of Nossa Senhora do Pilar has a new door to protect it from vandalism

A temporary iron door was placed in the Chapel of Nossa Senhora do Pilar, in Algoz, to protect it from […]

A temporary iron door was placed in the Chapel of Nossa Senhora do Pilar, in Algoz, to protect it from further acts of vandalism, in an initiative of the Regional Directorate of Culture of the Algarve and the Church of Algoz Factory.

Bearing in mind that the XNUMXth century hermitage is classified as a Building of Public Interest, the project was approved by the General Directorate of Cultural Heritage. The original wooden door will be recovered and then reinstated on site.

«Upon learning of the state of degradation of the Chapel, which had been robbed and vandalized, the Regional Directorate of Culture assumed the cost of an iron door, in an emergency intervention, since the property was unprotected and subject to new acts of vandalism”, explains this body.

In addition to this action to protect the Hermitage, the surveillance and security conditions of this ancient temple were reinforced, using the recent cooperation protocol between the Regional Directorate of Culture and the GNR.

Since the 20th of May, the Algarve's real estate cultural assets have had the collaboration of the Territorial Command of Faro of the GNR for surveillance and awareness actions, with the Chapel of Nossa Senhora do Pilar «identified in the group of properties at risk and vulnerability in view of its somewhat isolated location».

The Ermida will soon have «new actions of protection, safeguarding and enhancement», to be developed by the Nossa Senhora do Pilar Commission, created for this purpose, in partnership with Fábrica da Igreja, the Junta de Freguesia do Algoz and Câmara Municipality of Silves.

This Committee has already met with the Regional Directorate of Culture, reporting on the initiatives it is promoting to make the enjoyment of this monument possible again.

