Association contracts, private school and public school

A lot of ink has been flowing in recent days about the association contracts and the question of whether it should […]

Inês Morais PereiraA lot of ink has been flowing in recent days about association contracts and the question of whether or not the government should keep these same contracts.

I have always advocated that a quality Public School, creating opportunities for everyone, at the service of equality, must be a national objective. Education and Knowledge are important tools for a Nation.

On the issue of association contracts, I emphasize that they should only be granted in cases where the public school network is unable to provide an offer, which happens in exceptional cases. Tax revenue should primarily be sent to the Public School, constitutionally enshrined, and not to the private sector.

The State should not, therefore, in principle, finance the private sector, under penalty of distorting the laws of the market and the economic principles that govern it.

And the same principle must be applied to other areas such as health or research, for example. The revenue from our taxes must be carefully applied to the National Health Service, which is also provided for in our Constitution. Research carried out in Universities must be cherished and financed by the State, by all of us, because it benefits us all.

Justice must be accessible to all citizens, without exception, regardless of their economic status or living in the interior.

Labor relations must be duly regulated by the State, with a view, in particular, to eradicating precarious work.

Social security must be maintained at levels of sustainability that allow each and every citizen to benefit from it, when necessary.

The State must intervene in the Economy with a view to filling market failures, but it must not respond to situations caused by the greed and negligence of the private sector.

Some say that the welfare state is in crisis. Because I say that defending the welfare state has never been so important. Because the Welfare State is synonymous with social well-being, democracy, values ​​of equality, justice and equity.

Can and should the State be more efficient? Sure! It is up to all of us, citizens, to scrutinize and contribute responsibly to achieve this goal.

It is up to the Administration to be available for any and all serious reforms that allow for greater efficiency in the provision of the public service.

It is up to politicians the courage to uncompromisingly defend the public interest and republican values, in an impartial and transparent manner, implementing the best policies with a view to achieving the well-being and development that we all strive for.


Author: Inês Morais Pereira is a lawyer and doctoral candidate in Innovation and Territory Management at the Faculty of Economics of the University of Algarve

