App for Android and iOS puts you up to date with everything that will happen at the MED Festival

The Festival MED 2016 has available, since today, an App for Android and iOS, which will allow visitors to […]

MED APPThe Festival MED 2016 has available, since today, an App for Android and iOS, which will allow visitors to the event not to miss anything that will happen in the historic center of Loulé between June 30th and July 2nd.

After the first experience of adapting the Festival MED website to mobile phones in 2015, the organization bet this year on creating an application that allows you to obtain all the information about the event and strengthens its interactivity.

Along with the availability of all the contents related to this 13th edition, namely the biographies of the bands that make up the poster, concert schedules, description of exhibitions and street entertainment shows or restaurant spaces, one of the great news of this mobile application is that it will allow each visitor to customize and choose their own schedule and get detailed information about their favorite artists, through the creation of “O Meu MED”. This feature also allows you to get alerts for the start of concerts.

According to the Municipality of Loulé, «another of the advantages of this APP is the geo-referencing that will allow, through the user's location (GPS system), to know what services are around him – restaurants, stages, bars, exhibitions , commerce or WCs'.

The application “will also allow for increased interactivity with social networks (allowing, for example, sharing via Facebook), and interfaces (Hangouts, Messenger, Skype, Viber, among others), as well as online purchase of tickets for the Festival".

The application went live today and is already available on the Play Store for Android and, on the App Store, for IOS.

The links to download the application in the respective stores can be found in the MED Festival website or Facebook.

Users who already have last year's app will just have to update it.

Loulé City Council adds that it will guarantee free WI-FI coverage in the stage area during the festival days.

