«Lagoa, City of Wine for two thousand years» motivates conference

«Lagoa, City of Wine for two thousand years» is the theme of the second conference of the cycle «Ad praeteritum, Para […]

ad pretaerium pond«Lagoa, City of Wine for two thousand years» is the theme of the second conference of the cycle «Ad praeteritum, For the Past», scheduled for Saturday, April 23, at 16:30 pm, at the Centro de Congressos do Arade. of the Lagoa Wine Show.

The speakers of this initiative of the cycle of conferences on the Historical-Archaeological Heritage of Lagoa are professors and researchers from the University of Algarve João Pedro Bernardes and Luís Filipe Oliveira.

Admission is free for this historical and archaeological approach to vineyards and wine in the Algarve.

