Government grants point allowance on December 24th and 31st

The Government will grant point tolerance to workers who perform public functions in the State, in public institutes and in […]

christmas shopping1The Government will grant a point allowance to workers who perform public functions in the State, in public institutes and in decentralized services of the central administration, on December 24 and 31, that is, on Christmas and New Year's Eve.

The only exception is “the services and bodies that, for reasons of public interest, should remain in operation during that period, in terms to be defined by the competent member of the Government”, can be read in the resolution of the Council of Ministers.

The Government also indicates that, "without prejudice to the continuity and quality of the service to be provided, the top managers of the services and bodies referred to in the preceding paragraph shall promote the equivalent exemption from the duty of attendance of the respective workers, on a day or days to be fixed in due course. ».

The Executive justifies the decision with the traditional displacement of many people out of their places of residence, «with a view to holding family meetings, which has been a usual practice».

At the origin of the decision is the fact that the tolerance of point at this time has occurred "invariably over the years".

In fact, last year, during the 2014 Christmas season, the Government of the time also gave two days of grace period: December 24th and, alternatively, December 26th or 31st, or even January 2nd.

