CCV of Faro invites you to discover the Science behind the fiction in «Star Wars»

"Star Wars – Science behind fiction" is the theme of the practical presentation that will explore the relationship of […]

Star Wars and Science«Star Wars – Science behind fiction» is the theme of the practical presentation that will explore the mutually inspiring relationship between Science and Science Fiction, promoted by the Centro Ciência Viva do Algarve, in Faro, on Saturday, December 12th, at 15 pm.

In an activity aimed at the general public, the CCV of Faro challenges: «come discover how vehicles and tools “work”, discover technologies and explore stars, planets and moons!»

Registration costs 4 euros. More information at or via email [email protected].


But CCV Algarve promotes many more activities to enjoy the Christmas holidays:


Christmas is coming and with it a lot of magic and science! Take advantage of your Christmas holidays to spend a few hours with us full of animation, fun, knowledge and science!

18.12.15 - Christmas in Origami
The art of paper folding is also very science. Come and learn how to build many figures and animals alluding to Christmas.

22.12.15 - Christmas Decorations
Have you done the Christmas decorations? Do you already have your tree properly decorated? Certainly you still lack the decorations made with recycled material! Join us!

23.12.15 – Christmas Cooking
Hmmmm Christmas is synonymous with lots of sweets! Let's do science cooking! Awaken your cooking scientist side and participate!

29.12.15 - Soaps and bath salts
Do you know what a soap is? What will it be made of? And a bath salt? What is it for? You will have the answer to all this in a very fun workshop!

30.12.15/2016/XNUMX – XNUMX Calendar
2015 is coming to an end! It was a year full of science! How about building a calendar for the new year and starting to plan our scientific days?!

The Science Workshops at CHRISTMAS are aimed at children aged 5 to 12 years, individually or in groups (ATLs), and take place at the following times: • Mornings (duration 1h30): 10:00 am – 11:30 am – preferably dedicated to the ATL – (3 € ) • Afternoons (duration 3:00): 14:30 – 17:30 – individual registration from 5-12 years old – (6 €) Afternoons include half an hour for a snack; in the afternoons, children must bring a snack.

Registration: Telephone: 289 890 920 | E-mail: [email protected]

