APOS proposes a walking tour to discover the history of Moncarapacho

A historical tour of Moncarapacho, in the interior of the municipality of Olhão, guided by professor Idalécio Soares, is the proposal of […]

MoncarapachoA historical tour of Moncarapacho, in the interior of the municipality of Olhão, guided by professor Idalécio Soares, is the proposal of APOS – Association for the Valorization of Cultural and Environmental Heritage of Olhão, for Saturday, 24th October, at 14:30 pm.

The tour is open to the public, but APOS asks those interested to send their registration to [email protected], as there is a limit of 25 people.

Idalécio Soares is a professor of history and a scholar of his homeland. Moncarapacho, as well as coordinator of the new Dr. José Fernandes Mascarenhas House-Museum.

The tour, which should last two hours, will start at the Igreja Matriz and continue to the Igreja da Misericórdia, Igreja de Santo Cristo and the Parish Museum, ending at the Casa-Museum Dr. José Fernandes Mascarenhas.

