Câmara de Albufeira opens a public tender to award stands at Mercado dos Caliços

The Municipality of Albufeira has opened a Public Tender for the temporary exploitation of stalls in the Municipal Market of Caliços. You […]

market_088The Municipality of Albufeira has opened a Public Tender for the temporary exploitation of stalls in the Municipal Market of Caliços. Interested parties may present their proposals in person, on August 5th, at the Paços do Concelho building, where the commission appointed for that purpose will meet.

«The fruit and vegetable stands (Nos. 1, 4, 7, 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 32, 33 and 34) and regional cake stands and articles from the same are in competition. nature (Nos 27, 29 and 30), both with a base value of 40 euros. The stalls for the sale of fish (Nos 9, 10 and 12) are also open for competition, with a base value of 130 euros», announced the City Council of Albufeira, in a press release.

Proposals must be delivered in a closed letter, with the amount each candidate proposes to pay, monthly, for the bank's concession. Applications must be “prepared in accordance with Article 4 of the Tender Programme”. The program of the procedure and the respective specifications can be downloaded here.

"The public opening of the proposals takes place immediately after their delivery, in the meeting room of the Paços do Concelho building", added the municipality.

