Educational activities at the Municipal Museum of Lagos promote heritage

The Municipal Museum of Lagos promoted, this school year, two major activities aimed at 1st and 2nd students […]

Lagos Museum
Lagos Museum

This academic year, the Municipal Museum of Lagos promoted two major activities aimed at students from the 1st and 2nd cycles of schools in Lagos.

Publicizing and promoting the county's heritage and making participants aware of the importance of its enhancement and preservation are the main objectives of this initiative. «Considering the good result achieved, the projects will continue», announced the Câmara de Lagos.

“From the Museum to the Street with History and Adventure” and the Peddy Paper “Adventure through the Heritage of Lagos”, were two of the main projects carried out this year by the team of the Municipal Museum of Lagos, Dr. José Formosinho, as part of the initiatives for the schools.

Eight classes (from the 1st and 2nd cycles) from various schools in Lagos participated in these educational activities, totaling 165 students.

Since the initiatives were positively evaluated by the teachers who accompanied these students, it was decided by the municipal executive to continue the two projects.

The Chamber highlights the “interest of the participants in these initiatives, seen as enhancing the dissemination and promotion of the municipality's heritage”.

"From the Museum to the Street with History and Adventure" aims to be an activity that aims to explore, on foot, the streets of the Historic Center, promoting curiosity and an observant look at the evolution of urban space, before/now and the historical, artistic and cultural heritage; to sensitize participants to the importance of the built heritage and, therefore, to the values ​​of preservation, enhancement and dissemination and, finally, to create habits of returning to the places they have visited with a new look.

As for the Peddy-Paper «Adventure through the Heritage of Lagos», and according to the Museum team that developed it, it is an activity that aims to explore, on foot, the Historic Center, contributing in a playful and educational way. , for the dissemination of Local Heritage as well as its enhancement in a perspective of arousing interest and the critical/observer "look"
of the Cultural and Architectural Landscape of Lagos.

Both projects will continue in the 2015/2016 school year.

