CRESC Algarve 2020: new competition opened to support international R&I projects

A new competition launched to support companies and entities of the Research & Innovation System (I&I) with international projects is […]

Logo_CRESC_cmykA new competition launched to support companies and entities of the Research & Innovation System (I&I) with international projects is ongoing, announced the Algarve Regional Coordination and Development Commission.

With an endowment of one million euros from CRESC Algarve 2020, the competition is a funding opportunity to stimulate participation in European research and innovation programmes, in particular Horizon 2020.

Applications must "fit the priorities of the Smart Specialization Strategy of the Algarve Region" and their analysis "will take into account not only the quality of the project and the impact on the promoter's competitiveness, but also the impact on the economy and competitiveness regional".

The contest notice is available here.

For the purpose of submitting applications for the Notices in question, access the Counter 2020.

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