Interview: Marilu Santana, the woman who was in chains for 16 days

Marilu Santana spent 16 days in chains, on the interior stairs of Clube Praia da Rocha, to demand the payment of wages […]

Until, on April 3, Good Friday, a agreement between the administrator of Clube Praia da Rocha and the workers, for the payment of arrears. The first tranche was already paid on April 15, as stipulated in the agreement, a signed document, the original of which was deposited in the hands of Isilda Gomes, president of the Portimão Chamber, who mediated the negotiations.

Almost a month after this protest that made the news in Portugal and abroad, the Sul Informação it was to interview Marilu Santana, for her to tell us what happened and how it happened, to tell us how people reacted to her protest and to leave – who knows? – new avenues for labor negotiation in our country:

