Public consultation of the Ria de Alvor NDT extended until February 20th

The Municipality of Portimão decided to extend the period of public discussion of the Ria de Alvor, until the next […]

laugh at dawnThe Municipality of Portimão decided to extend the period of public discussion of the Ria de Alvor, until the next 20th of February, has just announced the municipality.

According to the municipality, the decision to extend the period of public consultation, which should end next Friday, February 6, took into account "the sensitivity and importance for the future of the municipality" of the project in question.

The proposal is available, for consultation, on the Municipality's website, and in the Department of Works, Urban Management, Urban Environment, Traffic and Maintenance, located at Rua Oceano Atlântico, no. 15, in Portimão, where it can be consulted during normal business hours.

The municipality adds that, "to date, only two observations/suggestions have been submitted in the context of this consultation, so the Municipality of Portimão invites all interested parties to participate in this public consultation".

In public consultation is the only proposal presented under the Public Tender for the Implementation of a Tourist Development Center in the Territorial Unit of the South and Barrocal Coast, commonly known as the Ria de Alvor NDT.

This proposal was presented by the company Butwell SA, for the Quinta da Rocha area, and has already been considered by the Ria de Alvor Monitoring Group (GARdA), which includes the environmental associations A Rocha, Almargem, GEOTA, LPN, Qercus and SPEA , as being promoted "on ground prohibited by the court".

