Doctors “stick” health professionals' strike, but unintentionally

The doctors at the health units in the Algarve are not on strike, despite the fact that the Doctors' Union [...]

doctors_6The doctors from the health units in the Algarve are not on strike, despite the Union of Doctors of the South Zone (SMZS) being one of the structures that called for the strike, in the first phase. The representatives of the clinicians did not present “the strike notice in good time” and are left out, but they affirm their solidarity with the other professional classes.

As explained to the Sul Informação SMZS leader Margarida Agostinho, “it was not possible to launch the strike notice in time”, since this is a process that has to be done “long in advance” and takes “more than ten working days”. Even so, when they stood by the unions that represent the other professional classes in the sector and assumed that they would join the strike last week, the doctors thought they could move forward.

“We thought that the notice issued by the Civil Service Union also covered doctors, since we are civil servants. But we were later informed that the interpretation of the Hospital Center of the Algarve and the Regional Health Administration could not be so linear», he explained.

In this way, “it was not sure that the absence was assumed to be joining the strike”, that is, it could be interpreted “as an unjustified absence”. By the time the information came out, "there was no time left to issue our own advance notice".

“But we are going to participate in the Tribuna Pública, today, at 17 pm, and we appealed to our associates to be present in force”, said Margarida Agostinho.


