The group Amigos do Museu de Portimão is about to be born

The association Amigos do Museu de Portimão is almost, about to be born. This Friday, at the end of the afternoon, there were twenty […]

The association Amigos do Museu de Portimão is almost, about to be born. This Friday, at the end of the afternoon, twenty people attended the first meeting, the Constitutive Assembly, which took place in a room of the museum, where the future association will have its headquarters.

This led to a commission of seven founders, of various ages, professions and even nationalities, who will now draw up statutes, schedule a first General Assembly and deal with the bureaucracies inherent in these things of giving birth a new association.

Among the founders of the Friends of the Portimão Museum are, for example, the brothers António and José António (Pepe) Feu, the painters Margarida Tengarrinha and Vera Christians, the writer Maria do Vale Cartaxo, the surgeon Daniel Cartucho, the archaeologists Rui Parreira, Elena Morán and Isabel Soares. But until the first General Assembly, other founders may join.

And what will this group of Friends of the Museum of Portimão serve? In the minutes of this first meeting, still somewhat informal, it was written that «the general objectives of this Association are, namely, to collaborate with the direction of the Museum of Portimão in the implementation and development of its activities; to promote public knowledge of the Portimão Museum, in its cultural and scientific aspects; to promote the enrichment of the Portimão Museum collection and its better equipping with technical means of work, namely museographic, scientific, didactic, archival, laboratory and bibliographic assets, in partnership with the Municipality of Portimão and the Museum; maintain relations with all citizens and entities deemed relevant to the pursuit of its objectives».

António Feu, speaking to the Sul Informação, said that «the Museum of Portimão is the emblematic element of the city». Therefore, «there must be a group of friends as a way to boost the museum's activities and to further increase the population's connection to its museum». The association, reinforced Maria do Vale Cartaxo, should “deepen the interaction between the Museum and the city”.

José Gameiro, scientific director of the Museum and who will be another of the founders of the future association, explained, in turn, that this will be a way of “empowering citizens who want to be closer, more committed to the Museum's work”.

The group, he added, will be "useful to the Museum's work", namely by promoting and organizing "voluntary work", as well as being "a way to overcome some current constraints" of the activity of the museum structure.

«Basically, it will be a platform that can amplify the good will and support for the Museum», he summed up.

José Gameiro had already said, at the beginning of the meeting, that the Museum is going through a «critical period», but that its activity, namely the regular production of own themed exhibitions, has been maintained «through many friends, sponsors». «The creation of these Friends of the Museum will be, in essence, the formalization of these good wishes that we are already targeting».

Daniel Cartucho, one of the main mentors in the creation of these future Friends of the Museum of Portimão, admitted that the interest of this association for the Museum and for the municipality «depends on the dynamics that we, the Friends, manage to implement». But he defended that the group will "give shine to the great brand of Portimão that is its Museum".

The commission chosen to take the next steps for the formal constitution of the association includes António Feu, Daniel Cartucho, Gisela Lima, Elena Morán, Maria do Vale Cartaxo, Helena Correia and Vera Christians. Soon, as soon as the bureaucracies are advanced, a first General Assembly will be called.




