Schools in Lagos collect half a ton of Used Cooking Oils

Over the course of the school year that has just ended, schools in the municipality of Lagos have collected half a ton of cooking oil […]

Over the course of the school year that has just ended, schools in the municipality of Lagos collected half a ton of used cooking oil, as part of their participation in the OAU – Used Food Oils project, promoted by the Municipality of this Algarve municipality.

This school project consisted of raising awareness among students and guardians, for the collection of Used Cooking Oils, to be deposited in a specific container – OLEÃO – distributed by all participating schools.

Before the project started, a theoretical awareness-raising action and a workshop on the transformation of oil into soap were carried out with the registered classes, carried out by a technician from the Chamber, trained in the area of ​​the Environment, so that the little ones could better understand the that can result from a gesture as simple as collecting the oil that is used in the kitchens of every home.

In the end, the classes were classified according to the liters of cooking oil they collected, and the three classes that collected the greatest amount of UCO were awarded prizes (one funnel for each student, a game on the environmental theme for the group and a visit to the premises of the Reciclimpa company, in order to better understand what happens to the UCO after it is collected at the municipal oil tanks).

In the current school year, this project involved around 300 students, from 14 classes, from four pre-school and 1st cycle schools: EB1 School nº 1 in Lagos, School EB1/ JI in Santa Maria, School EB1 in Bensafrim and School EB1 /JI of Espiche.

The winning classes were the G27 (room 5) of the EB1/JI School of Espiche (with 141,50 liters of UCO collected) and the T15 (3rd year) and G26 (room 2) of the EB1/JI School of Santa Maria (84,00, 64,00 liters and XNUMX liters respectively)

At the end of the project, a total of 575,31 liters of UCO were collected in participating schools.

At the county level, and with regard to the UCO, in 2013 approximately 12 tons were collected from the then 4,01 oil lions distributed by the Municipality of Lagos, which corresponds to a slight increase in the amounts collected compared to the previous year ( in the order of 14,5%), with a strong adhesion of the population to this initiative.

On June 06th, and still as part of the World Environment Day celebrations, two more oil slickers were installed, in Almádena and Espiche, increasing the equipment distributed by the Municipality to 14.

These oleões were provided free of charge by the company Reciclimpa, within the scope of the existing Partnership Protocol with the municipality.

