Lagoa hosted the Senior Olympics stage at the Belavista Municipal Stadium

The Lagoa stage of the VIII Senior Olympics took place on April 30, throughout the morning, at the Stadium […]

The Lagoa stage of the VIII Senior Olympics took place on April 30, throughout the morning, at the Belavista Municipal Stadium.

The activity, which aims to encourage the practice of physical activity and socializing, was attended by around 150 participants aged over 55, from senior gymnastics classes in the municipalities of Lagoa, Silves, Portimão and Lagos.

In the municipality of Lagoa, senior gymnastics classes are spread across all parishes and are part of the municipal program Viva+.

Despite the high temperature, the “athletes” did very well doing physical exercise in an energetic way for an hour and a half.

The activity consisted of several stations, visiting points, which tried to recreate what is done in classes throughout the year. The choice of exercises fell on a dance choreography, a traditional game, a circuit of coordination and dexterity and several cooperation games. All exercises were designed taking into account the physical condition of the participants.

The participants were received with a welcome speech by councilor Luís Encarnação who, greeting the participants, said: “you can believe that, for me and for the City Council, this type of outdoor activities shows how much our seniors are able to act and interact in healthy leisure activities, whether sports, cultural or giving to others through acts of solidarity – which I have to praise and thank – participating in the playful events that are available to you. Nor could it be otherwise. Thank you for coming and for participating in the VIII Senior Olympics which are, after all, an unequivocal way of saying “present” and showing that they are able to continue to be useful to society. Show your energy and the strength of your will to society. There are no winners or losers, but if there were, it would be of lesser importance. What counts is your energy”.

