Loulé gymnasts go to the European Championships in April

Five gymnasts from APAGL – Association of Parents and Friends of Gymnastics of Loulé are qualified for the Championship of […]

Five gymnasts from APAGL – Association of Parents and Friends of Gymnastics of Loulé are qualified for the European Championship of Trampoline, Synchronized Trampoline and Double Mini Trampoline, which will take place from April 7th to 12th, in the city of Guimarães.

Marco Laginha (DMT, TRI and TRS Junior), Sofia Correia (DMT and TRI Junior), Mafalda Brás (DMT Junior), Luís Afonso (DMT Junior) and André Fernandes (DMT Senior) will have the opportunity to compete side by side with the European cream of these sports, when traveling to the North of the country.

A feat that “was achieved through a lot of training, persistence and immense will on the part of all those involved, be they parents, coaches, colleagues and, above all, the gymnasts themselves”, highlighted the Câmara de Loulé. “It is gratifying to see that the work carried out by the sports associations in the Municipality has borne fruit and APAGL is a good example of this commitment,” he added.

