University Radio brings the Algarve to discuss alternatives in communication

The Rádio Universitária do Algarve will launch the discussion and analyze alternatives in communication, at "Alterna", a meeting that will bring together […]

The Rádio Universitária do Algarve will launch the discussion and analyze alternatives in communication, at the «Alterna», a meeting that will bring together professionals from the sector, researchers, students and lovers of Communication on the 29th and 30th of November, in Faro.

On the first day, a Friday, the action takes place at the Penha Campus of the University of Algarve. This meeting of communicators will bring together different personalities, who will “discuss the different forms and styles found to transmit the message and contents that make the difference within the “traditional” media”, according to RUA FM.

The contributions of Paula Cordeiro (RDP's Ombudsperson), Nuno Galopim (Journalist at DN, Radio Radar contributor and author of the Sound & Vision Blog), Tiago Pereira (remedies of the Música Portuguesa a Gostor Dela Própria project) are already confirmed. Mirian Tavares (Professor and researcher at UAlg and director of CIAC – Center for Research in Arts and Communication), from Elisabete Rodrigues, (Director of Sul Informação), by Bruno Boto (Southern Designers Association).

This meeting will also have the presence of representatives of University Radios (RUC, RUM, FM University and Unirádio – Huelva) serving for an exchange of experience and good practices of these media.

On Saturday, November 30th, the delegation from Faro from the Portuguese Institute of Sport and Youth (IPDJ) receives the Workshop “Techniques to communicate: Culture and Science”, aimed at cultural agents, journalists and science communicators. The trainers are Cristina Braga (producer and cultural trainer) and Cecília Malheiro (Journalist at Agência Lusa).

«This workshop aims to provide participants with basic notions of how to communicate Culture and Science, apparently distinct areas but lacking the same communication needs, in order to effectively achieve their goals and the interested public», described Rádio Universitária do Algarve.

Those interested in participating in this workshop, limited to 20 participants, can subscribe here.

Registration is limited to 20 participants and can be made here. More information about the event «Alternatives in Communication» can be found on the RUA FM website.

