lights of Faro come back on all night

Switching public lighting on and off in Faro will go back to being in tune with solar time. THE […]

Switching public lighting on and off in Faro will go back to being in tune with solar time. The Chamber of Faro It has already asked EDP for the change, which aims, above all, to guarantee "public safety and the comfort of circulation for citizens". The schedule has already been changed, but in some places it can take up to 30 days to take effect.

Previously, to promote some savings, the lights came on 30 minutes after sunset and turned off an hour before sunset. Now, an alternative solution has been found, which passes "a lighting system on both sides of the lanes in alternating connection". "This solution will be even more economical and respectful of the budget dictates that the chamber is obligated to and from which it will not be able to distance itself even by a millimeter," guaranteed the municipality.

«The increased VAT applied to public lighting from October 2011 brought budgetary problems for which no local authority was prepared. Even less a camera that, like the one in Faro, was and is bound by the most demanding criteria for controlling its expenditure. Being in financial rebalancing and in full readjustment of its administrative process, Faro had to find an urgent alternative, which involved the introduction of 125 astronomical clocks at the main transformer and supply stations in the municipality of Faro. The new equipment was then regulated in order to balance the pressing need for savings, still trying to meet the public safety needs of the entire population», explained the municipality.

With the new system, Faro "It will keep all areas lit throughout the night (and in occasional daytime blackouts) with a clear benefit for the residents' sense of security."

"With this we will also achieve the energy savings that we are budgeting for, thus continuing to tread the path of sobriety and rationality in the management of the municipal treasury," concluded the Farense municipality.

