Tertúlia Farense will have three candidates for Faro as guests in may and june

Tertúlia Farense will have the first three candidates announced to the Chamber of Faro, in many other sessions that will have […]

Tertúlia Farense will have the first three candidates announced to the Chamber of Faro, in many other sessions that will take place in May and June.

The debates start as early as next week, with PS candidate Paulo Neves, who will join the informal group of citizens of Faro on May 23, the next Thursday, at the restaurant Faro and Benfica.

This is followed by the session with the independent candidate José Vitorino, on June 6th and the debate with the candidate by PSD Rogério Bacalhau, on the 20th of the same month, in the same place, which was the restaurant chosen by the members of Tertúlia as the best in city ​​of faroIn 2012.

Tertúlia Farense had already sought to hold similar sessions in the 2009 municipal councils, but at the time only Macário Correia accepted the invitation of the group, which is dedicated to debating matters of interest to Faro, in sessions where the gastronomic component is always present.

