Olhão promotes Human Blue Tie to mark a month against child abuse

The Month for the Prevention of Child Abuse will be marked in Olhão with the creation of a “Blue Bow […]

The Month for the Prevention of Child Abuse will be marked in Olhão with the realization of a "Human Blue Tie", the symbol of the fight against violence against children, on April 24, at 15 pm, in Jardim Pescador Olhanense .

“The color of the bow is blue and symbolizes the bruises that children show when they are victims of physical abuse. With this symbolism, the organization intends to bring together children, young people and adults in the formation of a large blue tie, requesting that, if possible, they wear a blouse/t-shirt/coat or other identical piece of clothing in blue ( if this is not possible, there will be blue plastic bags to wear over clothes)», explained the Chamber of Olhão in a press release.

Everyone is invited to participate and to do so, all you have to do is show up at Jardim Pescador Olhanense on the day and time for which the initiative is scheduled. This is an organization of the Commission for the Protection of Children and Youth (CPCJ), in partnership with the Social Network of Olhão.

The initiative, together with other activities taking place on this day, "intends to mark the objective of this CPCJ in Olhão to promote and protect the rights and well-being of children in the municipality".

