Gonçalo Ribeiro Telles presented the book “Plan C – the combat of citizenship” in Faro

The Institute of Portuguese Democracy (IDP) presented on Saturday, March 2, at the Municipal Library of Faro, the book […]

The Institute of Portuguese Democracy (IDP) presented on Saturday, March 2, at the Municipal Library of Faro, the book “Plan C – the combat of citizenship”, in a session that was attended by the architect Gonçalo Ribeiro Telles, among other co-authors of the work.

In addition to Macário Correia, president of the Chamber of Faro, this presentation was attended by other co-authors, namely Mendo Castro Henriques, president of the IDP, João Palmeiro, president of the Portuguese Press Association, and Antonieta Guerreiro, responsible for IDP-Algarve.

Plan C, prefaced by D. Duarte de Bragança, is the fight against citizenship. «Through combat, he embodies the Portuguese's will for survival in a Europe that is still without direction and in a Lusophony that still lacks rhythm. It is from and for the citizenry, because there is still time to save Portugal from the oligarchies that threaten it», stresses the IDP.

For Mendo Henriques, «if we take Plan A as the Troika's plan, or from the notorious memorandum of our (mis)understanding, and plan B the one that corresponds to the current party programs – all very similar by the way – then Plan C, the citizens' plan for the citizens, as we are all called to participate in this odyssey to save Portugal. Plan C is for all of us, civil society, mediating associations between the individual and the State. A plan made up of concrete alternatives, proposed by those who know the country, its territory and population, its history and culture, its potential, dreams and undertakings. It is this Plan C that the IDP now begins».

Gonçalo Ribeiro Telles is one of the 23 authors of this book, proving that it is possible to find solutions for the country based on the experiences of various generations and age groups in society, as the IDP intends to express «the opinion of those whom political parties have not asked for opinion". The IDP "takes sides, without asking the parties' permission, and writes down what the politicians should do."

According to Antonieta Guerreiro, “this is the good fight for citizenship and the only way we can help the country and the region is through proactive and responsible citizenship. The Algarve has very interesting staff and know-how in several areas, we just have to be able to take advantage of what we have in our land and in that sense this Plan C, being from citizens to citizens, is the first of several compilations that we are organizing and systematizing. If it's up to me, the Algarve and the Algarve will not be left out of this process».

