Paderne, Albufeira and Ferreiras play at Carnival

Streamers, confetti, masks and lots of music are the ingredients to liven up Carnival throughout the municipality of Albufeira. US […]

Streamers, confetti, masks and lots of music are the ingredients to liven up Carnival throughout the municipality of Albufeira.

On February 10th and 12th, from 14:30 pm, one of the most traditional Carnivals in the Algarve returns to the streets of the historic village of Paderne, with the promise of infecting all revelers.

For 25 years, the Paderne Carnival has kept the tradition alive and, this year, it returns to the streets in a lively procession made up of floats, street groups in formal dress and music bands, whose motto is “ 25 Years: Silver Anniversary”.

However, the traditional Carnival balls visit the different parishes. Also in Paderne, Filipe Conde is the artist invited to animate the dances on February 10th, at the headquarters of the Sociedade Musical e Recreio Popular de Paderne, and February 12th, at the hall of the Casa do Povo in Paderne, both scheduled to start. for 21:00 pm.

The Albufeira Volunteer Fire Department chose the 9th and 11th of February to celebrate Carnival, in its party room, from 21 pm onwards. Nuno Balbino and Carlos Coelho Duo are the artists invited to liven up the party.

In Ferreiras, Juventude Desportiva de Fontainhas will hold several dances at its headquarters, at 21 pm, from February 00th to 9th, with performances by Fernando Amores, Vânia Silva, Madalena Roque and Marco António.

Nuclegarve-Núcleo dos Motoristas Terras do Algarve- will also hold a ball at the association's headquarters, in Fontainhas, parish of Ferreiras.

On the 9th, starting at 20 pm, Ermelindo Sena will animate the event, whose proceeds will revert to Aldeia da Solidariedade, the largest social project in the region.

