Câmara de Loulé offers 40 pumpkins from social gardens to the council's IPSS

Forty pumpkins produced in the Social Gardens of Loulé, weighing around 250 kilos, were distributed on the 5th by the City Council […]

Forty pumpkins produced in the Social Gardens of Loulé, weighing around 250 kilos, were distributed on the 5th by the Municipal Council to five solidarity and social support institutions in the municipality.

The autarchy says that, «through this action, it was intended to broaden the scope of social support provided by the Social Gardens of Loulé, channeling products produced there for these institutions, which in turn support the most needy by providing daily meals».

Of the forty pumpkins, produced through biological cultivation, 11 pumpkins were delivered to the Parish Center of Quarteira, nine to the Social and Cultural Association of Almancil, eight to the António Aleixo de Quarteira Foundation, eight to the Santa Casa da Misericórdia of Loulé and the remaining four were delivered to the Parish Center of Loulé.

This distribution corresponds, in proportion, to the approximate number of meals provided daily in each institution to people in need.

The Municipality of Loulé created the Social Gardens as a way to provide citizens, especially the most needy, with the possibility of cultivating and thus being able to enjoy fresh agricultural products, produced by you and your household.

The Social Gardens of Loulé are, therefore, equipment with a strong social component, through which we have also sought to promote the important relationship between Man and the Earth as a form of balance, interaction and integration with the social and environmental environment.

In the Social Gardens of Loulé, in addition to the plots of approximately 30 m2 each, allocated to the twenty users, there are areas of land available, where the pumpkins now distributed to the institutions were cultivated and produced. To support users, the Vegetable Gardens are equipped with bathrooms, a house for storage and a space for socializing.

Agricultural practices in the Social Gardens of Loulé have involved the beneficiaries' households, including women and children, and there has also been evidence of a high sharing of knowledge and exchange of agricultural products between the various gardens.

Given the success of the project and the number of requests already registered, the Municipality is considering the possibility of building another twenty plots on the available land, which could happen at the beginning of next year.

