Câmara de Lagos approves amendment to the Regulation on Periods of Operation of Public Selling Establishments

The proposal to amend the Regulation on the Periods of Operation of Public Sale Establishments and the Provision of […]

The proposal to amend the Regulation on the Periods of Operation of Establishments for Sale to the Public and the Provision of Services in the Municipality of Lagos was approved at the last Council meeting. The document will now be open to public consultation for a period of 30 working days.

The proposal focuses especially on the new regime of opening hours and the imposition of new means of controlling the noise caused by the restaurant and beverage establishments in the municipality of Lagos.

Over the last few years, the city councils of the main summer tourist destinations, such as Lagos, have been struggling with a problem related to the noise produced by the operation of food and beverage establishments, partly derived from the general regime opening hours of establishments defined in the general law.

There are many complaints from residents of areas where establishments with permanent noisy activity are installed, especially at night, and it is difficult to resolve the various entities with supervisory powers in this matter, either in relation to the noise produced inside the establishments, or by the disturbances caused on the public road by its users.

Despite the measures that most municipalities have adopted in an attempt to minimize the inconvenience caused by the operation of commercial establishments, the number of processes that annually go through the municipal services and the difficulty in enforcing the provisions of the regulations make it necessary to introduce changes to the general operating regime of establishments and access to the exceptional regime of extension of opening hours, which allow a reasonable balance between the exercise of an economic activity and the rest and rest of the inhabitants of the surrounding area.

In line with what other municipalities have been doing, the changes now approved aim to reconcile the often divergent interests of citizens, economic agents, workers and consumers in general, trying to ensure, through the exercise of the municipality's powers, a superior environmental quality.

In this sense, some of the most important changes were introduced to articles 2 (concerning the typification of establishments, which included a 5th group concerning food and beverage establishments, located on the riverfront of the city on the Avenida dos parking lot Discoveries); artº 3º (which falls on the general opening regime – opening hours) and artº 6ºA (regarding the characteristics of a sound limiter to be installed by establishments).

With regard to this last point, the municipal services consider it beneficial to create a new remote control system for the noise produced by the establishments, through the recording of data by a sound level meter with an integrated limiter, which allows recording in a online platform, accessible in real time to inspection entities. This device, in addition to recording the volume of all types of noise produced inside the establishment, automatically turns off the emission of any sound system at the time of the legal closing of the establishment.

In addition to having been approved, this proposal to amend the Regulation on the Operating Periods of Establishments for Sale to the Public and the Provision of Services in the Municipality of Lagos will be submitted to public consultation for a period of 30 days. at the Municipality's Virtual Desk at www.cm-lagos.com.

After the entire process is completed, the final proposal will proceed for approval by the Municipal Assembly.

