Farense naturopath João Beles presents book at Pátio de Letras

The author João Beles will present the 2nd edition of his book «Naturopathy, Nature cures Nature» at […]

The author João Beles will present the 2nd edition of his book «Naturopatia, Nature cures Nature» at Livraria Leya no Pátio, in Pátio de Letras, in Faro, tomorrow, Saturday. An initiative scheduled for 16 pm and which will be followed by a concert by «Pura Cura», a group consisting of João Beles and Nuno Murta, which will debut in Faro.

The naturopath and professor at the Institute of Traditional Medicine of Lisbon, residing in Faro and former mayor of the Montenegro Parish Council, will speak "in a relaxed atmosphere about the professional and personal path that preceded the publication of this book, the reactions to the 1st edition, and highlight parts of his work", revealed, in a statement, the Leya in the Patio.

This is one of the two initiatives that the Pátio has scheduled for the end of this week. Today, Thursday, the conference «Education Against Racism», promoted by the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, will be broadcast in this cultural space, via live streaming (on the Internet). The broadcast of this seminar, which focuses on the Lilian Thuram Foundation and has as a guest the man who gave it its name, starts at 18:30 pm.

Until the end of the month, the presence of António Lobo Antunes at Pátio de Letras should be highlighted, to present his new book “No É Meia-Noite Quem Quer”, on the 30th of November, a Friday. On the previous Saturday, the 24th, the cultural space receives the founder of the Modern School Movement Sérgio Niza, who will present the work «Escritos Sobre Educação».

