DeVIR brings national artists to reflect on desertification in the Algarve

It is also possible to reflect and point out solutions to counteract the phenomenon of desertification in the interior of the Algarve through culture. […]

It is also possible to reflect and point out solutions to counteract the phenomenon of desertification in the interior of the Algarve through culture. This was the exercise that the Algarve association DeVIR launched to 30 renowned national creators and the result can be seen as of today, Wednesday, at the 1st Festival Encontros do DeVIR, which starts at 21 pm, at the Algarve Performing Arts Center ( CAPa), in Faro.

The idea for this festival already appeared in 2004, but the lack of funding meant that it was only almost ten years later that it was actually released. Support from the Algarve 21 Operational Program and the Secretariat of State for Culture contributed to this, but above all, the opening of the artists involved. “All the people involved, except one, had already worked with our structure. So, we launched the challenge and got them to accept, without receiving a fortune», he revealed to Sul Informação the director of DeVIR José Laginha.

Over four days, national creators who are references in their respective arts will pass through CAPa. Carlos Bica, Gonçalo M. Tavares, Amélia Muge, Vera Mantero and José Laginha himself, to mention just a few of the 30 creators involved in the 27 creations to be presented, will take the stage of this Algarve cultural structure and reflect, through their art, on the theme of the desertification of the interior.

This is just the first part of the 1st Festival Encontros do DeVIR, which is divided into two moments, the one that begins today, called «Meetings of DeVIR – Creation» and another moment that will take place «on a date to be announced», called «Meetings of the DeVIR DeVir Science».

The idea is to reflect on the region, starting with its interior. Hence, all artists linked to the project have been challenged to visit Serra do Caldeirão, guided by "a technician who works in that territory, without promoting direct contact and involvement with the population, avoiding the intrusive and voyeuristic side", despite the human component is very present in the creations. In addition to music and performing arts, every night a creation by a Portuguese writer will be staged, inspired by this passage in Serra do Caldeirão.

Tonight, four documentaries created from these visits will be screened, as well as 10 new photographic projects and the festival's “making of”. The work of photographer Luís da Cruz will also be highlighted. the event counts with your own newspaper, where you can find a detailed description of each of the projects.

On Thursday, the 27th, the festival opens with the creation of renowned musician and composer Carlos Bica, accompanied by Norberto Lobo. After jazz, comes literature, with the focus being pointed to writer Abel Neves. José Laginha and Marlene Vilhena close the day's program with a Dance show.

Friday, September 28th, it starts with a concert by Amélia Muge and André Martins. Next, space will be given to the writer José Maria Vieira Mendes, whose reflection will be followed by the dance show starring Vera Mantero.

On Saturday, the 29th, the music will be in charge of João Paulo Esteves da Silva. In writing, the guests are Mickael de Oliveira and Mariana Tengner Barros. In performing arts, space will be given to the Theater, more precisely to a creation by Maria João Luís and Daniel Gorjão.

The last night of the «DeVIR Meetings – Creation» begins with a dance show by Cláudia Dias and Cecília Laranjeira, followed by a creation by Gonçalo M. Tavares. Closing the Sunday night and the festival will be André e's theatrical creation. Theodosius.

José Laginha does not hide that this festival intends to be, more than a mere presentation of national creations, a «political manifesto». "Desertification is a pressing issue for our region," he said, adding that the festival "has a social component, which is always linked to culture and environmental problems."

A feature that will remain in the second part of the festival, the «DeVIR Science Meetings», which, despite not yet having a defined date, is already beginning to take shape. According to José Laginha, it should bring together «15 to 20 people», who will reflect on the theme «Decharacterization of the Algarve coast».

Despite the difficulties experienced by cultural structures, which lead José Laginha to say that without the factor of friendship and collaboration in the past “it would be impossible to hold this event”, the second edition has “part of the guaranteed funding” and will be held in 2013 «if the world doesn't end in the meantime».


