Delays in the Parque Escolar works leave Lagos students without Physical Education classes at the beginning of the school year

The delay in the works of Parque Escolar at the Júlio Dantas Secondary School, in Lagos, will leave students without classes […]

The delay in the works of Parque Escolar at the Júlio Dantas Secondary School, in Lagos, will leave students without Physical Education classes at the beginning of the 2012/2013 school year, announced the Municipal Council of this Algarve municipality.

The local authority says that the position of those responsible for the Júlio Dantas School Grouping was made known at the Council Meeting on July 18, reporting the serious situation that has dragged on in time, resulting from the stoppage of the requalification works carried out by School Park in this establishment.

The Câmara de Lagos emphasizes that "it has been waiting for months for an answer".

At that Chamber Meeting, the mayor of the municipality Júlio Barroso publicly announced a message from the Júlio Dantas Secondary School, to which the municipal executive expressed, from the first moment, “the greatest understanding and solidarity with the cry of protest and call for help that it represents”.

It was also recalled that “both at the level of the City Council and at the level of the Municipal Assembly, there have been on the part of all local elected representatives the most vehement expressions of support and solidarity with the entire educational community of Escola Secundária Júlio Dantas, and of repudiation and contestation before the (in)action of those entitled”.

According to Professor António Vidal Santos, vice-president of CAP of the Júlio Dantas Schools Group, this secondary school “plans the start of the 2012/2013 school year «NEGRO» for its approximately 1200 students, due to the delay in the 2nd phase of reconstruction from school".

The message also refers that, in the next school year, the Júlio Dantas Secondary School will start to receive students from the 9th grade classes of Escola Tecnopólis (decision taken at the last meeting of the Municipal Council of Education of Lagos held on May 25, 2012 and that results from the constitution of the “mega-grouping” of Júlio Dantas schools), “which makes the functioning of Physical Education activities impossible”.

In this regard, the teacher reminds that these classes were held, in the 2011/2012 school year, at the Municipal Sports Complex, representing an increased expense of 6 364.05 euros, an amount that, according to the teacher, should have been paid by Parque Escolar, “but that it ended up not happening due to the lack of appropriation of funds”, the school having been left with this additional financial burden.

The text of the message also focuses on the issue of the school's cafeteria and bar, which have been operating in monoblocks “in poor conditions, where temperatures in May and June reached 44ºC. Analyzes carried out by the HCCP showed that, in the month of June, there were signs of contamination in some food products”.

For the school, “it is unacceptable that, between January and June, the company responsible for the works has only worked for about 40 days”. In this sense, the educational community of Escola Secundária Júlio Dantas, comes to ask those responsible, "to analyze the real situation of the school and that they will easily see that the stoppage of this work has no reason to happen, just for a matter of "stubbornness", without justification for the reality the country is experiencing, constituting a public “crime” for all taxpayers, with irreparable consequences for the entire educational community”.

According to the mayor, this message will be used “to reiterate to the entities responsible for the work (Ministry of Education, Ministry of Finance, Parque Escolar) our greatest revulsion for the way we have all been treated in this process. The School that despairs for a solution and the City Council that has been waiting for months for an answer”.

At the Chamber Meeting on June 06, a motion on this matter had already been unanimously approved, in which the Chamber and its maximum representative, President Júlio Barroso, expressed their concerns and dissatisfaction with the situation in which they found the requalification works of the Júlio Dantas Secondary School, which had stopped again due to lack of payments to the contractor, by the public company Parque Escolar.

.Both for the municipality, as for the school itself, «it seems essential to complete this project, which has been underway for two academic years».

