Marines support beach safety during the bathing season

The Navy, through the Marine Corps, is since June 1st (May 1st in the county […]

The Navy, through the Marine Corps, has been since June 1st (May 1st in the municipality of Cascais), providing support for the safety of unguarded beaches and support for bathers, through the operation of the complementary means of assistance assigned. to the Captaincies of Porto by the Instituto de Socorros a Náufragos.

In these actions, and until the 30th of September, a total of 80 marines will be involved with the mission of effectively ensuring surveillance and assistance to bathers along the more than 2800 km of Portuguese coast.

The soldiers involved received specific training from Nadador Salvador and special techniques for operating the means in the context of bathing safety.

The Navy emphasizes that "the established system has already proven its effectiveness, as can be seen by the very low number of fatal accidents recorded during the previous bathing season, Portugal being the country in the world with the lowest mortality rate due to drowning on supervised beaches".

It is estimated that, during the bathing season, the Portuguese visit Portuguese beaches 55 million times, as well as an influx of around 11 million tourists from a bathing tourism perspective.

