20 million euros to support companies «with difficulties but viable» in the Algarve

The Algarve will soon have a 'public fund' of 20 million euros to help companies 'with […]

The Algarve will soon have a "public fund" of 20 million euros to help companies "in difficulties, but viable", revealed this morning, in Loulé, the Secretary of State for the Economy and Regional Development.

António Almeida Henriques added that «the public tenders [for the constitution of this fund] will be launched at the end of the month».

The secretary of state, who spoke at opening of the Algarve session of the governmental cycle «Portugal a Crescer», which took place at NERA's headquarters in Loulé, with an audience full of Algarve businessmen, explained that this fund is part of the Special Revitalization Process, a very recently created legislative instrument that makes it possible, at a time of economic and financial crisis, to the national economy is undergoing a revitalization of economically and financially viable companies, but which are experiencing difficulties in the current situation.

The Revitalize Program, added Almeida Henriques, allows "to look at companies in difficulties in a different way", creating "conditions to save those that are viable companies". Moreover, because, he underlined, through Revitalizar, "the State starts to speak with one voice".

As an example of the revitalization of companies that were in the process of insolvency, the government official pointed out the case of the Alisuper Group, whose recovery came even before the beginning of this revitalization program, but which, in Almeida Henriques' opinion, was already «the fruit of active policy from the government".

“Just last week I spoke with the administrator of the Alisuper Group and he told me that the company already has 32 stores open in the Algarve and 308 workers”, he revealed.

In the specific case of the Algarve, the Secretary of State guaranteed that “very special attention will be given to the logic of revitalization, in order to prevent viable companies from being thrown into insolvency”.

In addition to the case of Alisuper, in the Algarve there is already at least one more case of a company that will resort to PER: it is Parkalgar SA, owner of the Autodromo Internacional.

The official, who today visited three companies in the Algarve – in the areas of information technology, floriculture and the environment – ​​stressed that, despite the fact that tourism is «the most relevant sector for the Algarve» and that it «has opportunities for growth». the region “has other resources”, namely in the areas of agri-food, agro-forestry, environment and energy. "There are new paths for the region's business fabric," he stressed.

Almeida Henriques also referred to the bet that has been made, in the Algarve region, in low-density territories, referring specifically to the Querença Project, where “a group of young people gave the country an example of how to revitalize an inland region. A project that is being “copied throughout the country, being an example of how to act in low-density territories”.

