Partnership with PT brings Querença closer to the rest of the world

Querença will soon become a “Smart Village”, with “co-working” systems and an e-learning platform. The terms […]

Querença will soon become a “Smart Village”, with “co-working” systems and an e-learning platform. The technical terms, here in English, can create some confusion, but they only mean that the small village of Loulé will be much closer to the rest of the world, through technological systems provided by PT, as part of a partnership between the Querença project and the Portuguese telecommunications company.

Starting over: Querença is going to be an efficient community, or intelligent, a concept that revolves around the application of new technologies, putting them at the service of a whole community. The systems that PT is already installing, both physical and virtual, will make it possible to boost networking, remote learning, distance medical assistance to part of the village's population and the commercial potential of the Querença Project.

To achieve this last goal, a virtual commercial platform will be created, the Mercado de Querença Online, which will make it possible to sell local agricultural and artisanal products to those who cannot be in Querença on the last Sunday of each month.

According to PT representative Teresa Salema, Querença's online platform for selling products "is almost in the launch phase" and will be available "in the coming weeks". This site will allow these products to "reach new consumers", he believes.

And since the village of Loulé hosts an innovative project, new Internet access equipment and ten Web Conference systems will be installed, to allow networking within the community.

Health and well-being were not forgotten and several inhabitants of the village were selected, in the house of which a remote assistance system will be installed. The device, similar to a telephone, allows you to call for help quickly and will have associated a portable device, to be used in emergencies, inside and outside the home.

Now that the first phase of Querence Project came to an end, with a week of activities that culminated yesterday with a Market dedicated to flowers, this commitment to the “Smart Village” is one of the ways to continue the work of nine months in that village in the interior of the municipality of Loulé.

