Municipality of Lagos and Ambilinha promote selective collection actions in the Historic Center

Ambilinha is promoting awareness actions, in Lagos, in order to make its service known […]

A Ambilinha is promoting awareness-raising actions in Lagos, with the aim of publicizing its free door-to-door collection service for recyclable waste (paper/cardboard, plastic/metal and glass). The next one is scheduled for May 02nd, in Praia da Luz.

The first awareness-raising actions, aimed at clarifying and encouraging the population, small businesses and services to correctly separate packaging waste, took place on March 06th and 19th, in the Historic Center of Lagos. This initiative took place throughout the day and was developed by technicians from ALGAR, Hidurbe and the municipality's Environmental and Inspection Services.

During these actions, awareness was raised for the correct separation of waste and the Ambilinha service by Algar – Valorização e Treatment de Residuos Sólidos, SA was made known, which dedicates an exclusive service to traders and large producers, with a view to collecting free door-to-door packaging waste (glass, paper/cardboard and plastic/metal).

Leaflets about this service were also distributed to all commerce and services, as well as stickers to those who joined the project. Reception was quite satisfactory, with most of those contacted subscribing to this new free service. For the month of May, the 02nd, a new awareness-raising action is already planned in the Praia da Luz area.

Interested parties can look for detailed information on this topic on the Algar website at  or through the toll free number from Ambilinha 800 300 289.

