Municipal Assembly of Faro approves motion against the extinction of parishes

The Municipal Assembly (AM) of Faro at the end of last month approved a CDU motion rejecting the law […]

The Municipal Assembly (AM) of Faro approved at the end of last month a motion by the CDU that rejects the law that established the extinction of parishes in most of the country's municipalities and calls for a dialogue that it considers did not exist in the entire process that led to the recent approval in the Assembly of the Republic of Proposal for Municipal Territorial Administrative Reorganization.

This measure is part of the process of the Green Document for the Reform of Local Administration and is shrouded in controversy. At issue is what the CDU considers to be an imposition "of mandatory aggregation of parishes", which was supported by the majority of those elected in the AM of Faro.

Em Faro, found the Sul Informação, the parishes of São Pedro, Conceição de Faro and Montenegro, to meet the criteria imposed by the Government.

According to the motion, this measure by the PSD/CDS-PP coalition government "suffers from a lack of dialogue and the search for consensus, in a matter so vital to national democracy, such as Local Power."

The document criticizes the imposition of "obligatory extinction quotas for parishes", in this case 50 to 55 of those located in an urban environment and 25 to 35 of those located in rural territory.

Despite this drastic reduction, accused the CDU in the document, only AM and parish assemblies are asked to “pronounce” in the first case and “opinions” in the second, without being able to escape these percentages.

In addition to criticizing the media, AM de Faro it is in solidarity with the other municipalities “in the region and in the country, in view of the need for the existence of a strong and cohesive movement in support of democracy and the values ​​that sustain it”.

This motion was sent to the Government, Assembly of the Republic, President of the Republic and all Municipal Assemblies of the Algarve.

