Municipality of Silves Social Responsibility Program supports painting of association headquarters

Collaborating in the painting of the façade of the Loubite School building and the arrangements in the outer space is […]

Collaborating in the painting of the façade of the Loubite School building and the arrangements for the exterior space is the challenge that the Silves Council makes to all its employees, within the scope of the Social Responsibility Program it has been implementing throughout this year .

The challenge to participate in this action will take place next Saturday, October 15th, at 10:00 am, and will also be extended to all citizens interested in helping.

This building is handed over to a social institution based in the county, the Children and Elderly Association (ACI), which develops its work in supporting young people with disabilities and which needs the collaboration of all the municipality's volunteers in order to paint the their headquarters, with materials provided to them by local companies.

Those interested in collaborating or wanting more information should request it from the Education, Social Action and Psychology Division (Education sector, ext. 387).

